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Pacemaker Implantation

Pacemaker Implantation

Pacemaker Implantation services offered in Tempe, AZ

Do you have heart rhythm issues and need a long-lasting solution? At the Cardiovascular Clinic of Arizona in Tempe, Arizona, board-certified cardiologist Thaslim Kassim, MD, FACC, offers pacemaker implantation to improve heart function and reduce the risk of severe complications. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to determine if a pacemaker is right for you.

Pacemaker Implantation Q&A

What is pacemaker implantation?

Pacemaker implantation involves inserting an implantable electronic device in your chest just below the collarbone to regulate electrical problems with your heart. The device uses electrical impulses to normalize your heartbeat.

Pacemakers consist of a pulse generator, leads (insulated wires), and electrodes on each lead. The pacemaker signals your heart to beat normally when it becomes irregular.

Dr. Kassim connects the leads, attached to a pulse generator, to your heart’s chamber, where it delivers electrical currents.

Who is a candidate for pacemaker implantation?

Candidates for pacemaker implantation include people with slow, fast, or irregular heartbeats. Dr. Kassim determines if this treatment is right for you after listening to your heartbeat, checking your vital signs, completing a medical exam, and ordering diagnostic tests.

How should I prepare for pacemaker implantation?

Follow Dr. Kassim's instructions to prepare for pacemaker implantation. Stop taking medications and fast before your scheduled procedure if asked to. Make arrangements for someone to drive you home afterward. 

What should I expect during the procedure?

Before pacemaker implantation, remove any jewelry and empty your bladder. You receive an intravenous (IV) line for IV fluids and are connected to an electrocardiogram (EKG) monitor. You receive a sedative to relax you and local anesthesia to prevent pain.

Dr. Kassim makes a small incision, implants the pacemaker and leads into your chest, tests the device to ensure it works properly, and closes the incisions. 

What happens after pacemaker implantation?

Afterward, you rest in a recovery area before returning to your hospital room. You can eat and drink once you’re completely awake, but the incision site is temporarily painful or sore. 

You may spend a night in the surgery center. Take medications as directed, avoid heavy lifting and vigorous activity until given the okay, get plenty of rest, and have someone drive you home and stay with you.

Attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Kassim and call the Cardiovascular Clinic of Arizona office at any time with questions. Carry an ID card that states you have a pacemaker, as these devices may set off security detectors.

Schedule an appointment at the Cardiovascular Clinic of Arizona by phone or request one online today to determine if pacemaker implantation is right for you.